All opinions and views mentioned on BORN2SHOP are my own (Deborah Miller) and they are mentioned for information, enjoyment, and review purposes only. Everybody has their own opinions on a multitude of topics and these are my own. I do not wish to offend or insult anybody by what I write concerning certain products; I am just offering my review and opinion on particular items and how they work for me. My wish is you will find something that works for you too from the information I have provided you. Some of these products that work well for me may not work for you or your body type. We are all unique.
My wish is to create a reliable and trustworthy source of information for designer fashion and accessories, and it is for all of my loyal followers. I will never be paid or incentivised to speak positively about a product if I do not agree. I want my followers to feel as though they can trust what I say, and that they are not being sold products for the sake of it. I too am a blog reader, and I would hate to feel as though someone was lying to me; therefore, I follow the exact same principle. I will be constructive in my opinions, but if I really dislike a product, then I will of course say so or not mention/suggest it in the first place. Why bother? Let’s focus on the best designer fashion, accessories, and jewellery out there. I only feature items that I feel deserve to be featured in some way or believe you’d love to see, that I am genuinely excited about and want you to see.
The designer clothing, accessories and jewellery items featured on this blog site and on BORN2SHOP’s Wardrobe Edit “LUXE” page may have been purchased, gifted, loaned, or bought with discount codes or vouchers. I will never wear something I dislike, or show you something here that I hate, so the fact that I’m showing you the item on B2S’s Wardrobe Edit, LUXE EDIT means that I love the item(s) enough to own it, wear it, and endorse it. And of course, I do not own all items on this website, but I do love them enough to hand-select them to show to you and feature them on BORN2SHOP.
The same goes for the Retailers I’ve selected to Partner with. I only Affiliate with Retailers and their products that I think are great. Some Retailers are better known and others may be less known to you, but if I’m showing you something you’re not that familiar with then you too could become a fan just like I am. I request that you check them out for yourself to see what you think and to see their full line of great products. And if you like them too, pass them on to your friends and family.
All opinions remain my own and you, the BORN2SHOP Subscriber or website visitor are under no obligation to purchase or recommend these products to anyone else.
I utilise an Affiliate commission service called Rakuten Advertising to earn a percentage of commission on product sales, alike the majority of Bloggers in this industry of Fashion and Affiliate Marketing. BORN2SHOP and these sites therefore use cookies. It's important to me that you know: the links or products used don’t cost you, the buyer anything, you pay the same price for the item(s) as you would in the retailer's shop or on their website.
The Affiliate commission is given from the retailer(s) via the commission platform (Rakuten Advertising) and is a little thank you from the retailer to BORN2SHOP (Deborah Miller), for endorsing their products and introducing them to you, the potential customers. Each individual blog/Wardrobe LUXE EDIT post will declare the use of Affiliate Links in our content text, retailer banners, shop widgets, and integrated text using (ad) if they are used, as well as declaring if the blog post itself has been sponsored. You will find these declarations in red, in the body of the text on each post and/or on the website page LUXE EDIT. It will be highlighted with an asterisk ( * ), where applicable.
I greatly appreciate you using our BORN2SHOP Affiliate Links provided by our Partner's products to make your purchase(s) and very grateful for your continued use of the links from our BORN2SHOP LUXE EDIT page. Thank you!
The images used on BORN2SHOP's LUXE EDIT and individual Retailer pages are included in relevant posts to better the viewer's experience and belong to this blog and the author(s) (the Affiliate Partners). All Affiliated products and their images are secured from the Retailer(s) whom BORN2SHOP is partnered with through Rakuten Advertising. Please do not use any of their imagery for your professional purposes or materials. If you would like to use any of the images that are on BORN2SHOP for your blog post or social media, please credit BORN2SHOP, the Retailer, and the photographer in the caption when provided and link back to this blog site: https://www.born-2-shop.com/. I will always make sure that any external images used on BORN2SHOP are credited from their sources, where required by the creator/author/originator. However, in case of any discrepancy, please use the contact information below to report any findings. I will immediately take the necessary actions to correct any errors or omissions. All contact information can be found below on this page or the B2S CONTACT page.
Date of last update of this Disclaimer: 19th August 2024